The surname of a petite woman of Korean extraction is found 31 times in our dossier: Chung. She was Ted Kaufman's aide in the U.S. Senate (Kaufman, by the way, was practically hand-picked by Joey when Joey left the "upper chamber" for the vice presidency). Chung was then installed by Joe's son, Hunter, to be Joe's personal aide at the White House. After Joey's stint as the V.P., she followed the crew to Joe's "transition" office & then to his smattering of "centers," "foundations," & other slush funds. All of these movements by Chung & Joe's broader entourage (including the two federal crimes that Chung participated in) are explained in our nonprofit's Report on the Biden Laptop.
Earlier this week, Chung (who you, as a federal taxpayer, still subsidize as she is currently the deputy Director of Protocol at the Department of Defense) appeared before the U.S. House Oversight Committee & to her credit answered some of their questions about Joe's document fiasco & hopefully other matters. Accordingly, we felt it our duty to provide the public with more granularity on this figure who had/has such close access to the man with the nuke codes. We'll copy directly from the Report:
Page 106 in the dossier: Organized a Biden family luncheon for ChiComs
Page 488: Hand-picked for a White House gig by the "smartest man" Joe knows
Pages 188-190: Facilitated FARA violations with Mexican foreign principals & shared non-public information with Hunter
Page 53: The federal statutes & the federal regulation violated:
Lastly, we felt the need to include some photos of the woman. After all, many outlets (Fox News, the Daily Mail, CNN, the New York Post, Axios, & many others) released stories about Chung, but did not include photos. Here are a few:
Rep. Jamie Comer, chairman of the U.S. House Oversight Committee, was smart to bring her in. What our tour through the Biden Laptop has shown us is that rank is oftentimes untethered to value creation & proximity. In other words, the younger or lower-ranking people (e.g. executive assistants) typically know much more about the operations of an enterprise (in this case, a political mafia) than many people might suspect. Marco Polo recognizes this fact and does not get distracted by mere titles—and we take pride in turning over every rock, no matter how small.
--Garrett Ziegler
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Citizens all enjoy learning of punk smelling deep
State vermin, such as Ms Chung! Likely a speed
Dialer to Xi?
Kathy Chung, no longer a "ghost" without a photo!