Lawfare Update
Concerning the SLAPP [Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation] filed against Marco Polo by R. Hunter Biden's bankroller & attorney, P. Kevin Morris
On October 18th, the Los Angeles County Superior Court ("the Court") published an Order ("Order") concerning the lawsuit brought by P. Kevin Morris ("Morris"), the degenerate but wealthy bankroller of the pResident's son. In the decision, Judge Mark Epstein dismissed 1 of the 5 different claims Morris asserted against Marco Polo and its founder, Garrett Ziegler, for being "doxed," among other contrived wrongs. The Court also denied the motion for Morris's preliminary injunction; Morris pursued the preliminary injunction explicitly to stop Marco Polo from publishing the information concerning Morris and his involvement with the Bidens' many documented crimes in our Report on the Biden Laptop.
Unfortunately—and inexplicably—Judge Epstein did not at this time dismiss the remaining 4 claims. It's inexplicable because the Judge mentioned in the first hearing that he considered almost all of the lawsuit to be "an easy win for the defense." Fortunately, the Judge’s faulty decision as to the 4 remaining claims is subject to immediate appeal. Even better, Marco Polo is entitled to immediately recover part of our attorney fees for the dismissed claim—we will pursue these fees promptly.
We will, of course, inform you of any developments about this case & our other lawsuit in federal court against the corrupt second son of the U.S. pResident.
You can read the Order here:
--Garrett Ziegler
P.S. Our longer, video explanation of the Order can be found here:
A transcript of that video explanation is below:
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[Just] over 24 hours ago, we finally received the decision in the Superior Court of Los Angeles against the bankroller & the central figure in Hunter Biden's art money laundering scam & his back taxes, which were illegally paid by a very degenerate but wealthy man named Kevin Morris. He [Morris] sued us for ridiculous things back in April against me, personally, Garrett Ziegler, and, more importantly, our nonprofit: Marco Polo.
Over the course of the last six months, we have laid out exactly why this is the epitome of a frivolous suit, and I wanted to update you [] with exhibits & specific lines from the Decision that I think our supporters & people who follow us on Twitter need to be aware of. So, the first step—and the most important takeaway from this from this live set[ting video]—is that we won, in part, yesterday. We had no losses in court yesterday. In fact, Kevin Morris—and, again, this guy is spending every day with Hunter Biden, flies him on his private jet, introduces him to art dealers, this guy is at the center of the Biden corruption scheme right now—he is forced … we are entitled to legal fees because this dumbass brought the case in California where there is a very strong anti-SLAPP statute. [] a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is meant to threaten people, basically, [to] try to bankrupt them through through lawfare—and Kevin Morris told this to a friend of mine. He said that he was going to, quote, bankroll us or, basically, buzzsaw us through his bankrolling of lawfare.
And, you know, this is part of the problem in the United States. It's not just that the Congress is impotent & dysfunctional. It's that every single branch of government is a joke. And, so, of the five causes of action that Morris said—and, again, this is a 60-year-old man with millions of dollars saying that we "intentionally inflicted emotional distress" upon him. This is a joke. In a normal world, in the world of our ancestors, he would be laughed off the stage because it would be an embarrassment to admit that.
But this is a deeply corrupt figure who's trying to bankrupt me, personally, and, so, the good news is one of the causes of action was completely thrown out. And they owe us legal fees. Straight up. [We won] [e]ven [in] the corrupt court system in California—Los Angeles, specifically, the largest court system in the United States—which is overrun with illegals. It's filthy there. It's disgusting. They owe us fees. That's the number one takeaway. We won. It's just a matter of—it's only a question of when we’ll win the complete case.
The second thing is that Morris's preliminary injunction—his motion for a preliminary injunction—was denied because this complete pussy thinks that we are a threat to him. And he was asking the court to say that I couldn't get 100 yards [from] Kevin Morris & his family. The funny thing is [that] I've never been within 100 yards of this man. I've never seen him in person, OK? And he said—the judge, in what I think is a quite ridiculous Order—just took Morris's words at face value that we were causing him paranoia, right? All five of our causes of action for the anti-SLAPP should [have] be[en] granted. We got one victory. We have four more to win. But he [the judge] just took Morris at his word that we're causing him paranoia. One of the guys on the team said [that] the paranoia is coming from the weed. Remember, if you don't know anything about this case, if you don't know who I am or you don't know who Kevin Morris is: Morris was the guy smoking a bong on his porch in broad daylight when Hunter Biden was coming to his house to talk about their legal strategy. This is who we're dealing with here. This guy has millions of dollars. His wife represents Tish Cyrus & all of these degenerate Hollywood people. This is a clash of civilizations.
This guy is lying to the court. He lies like you & I breathe. He "suffered"—he said that he should get an injunction, a preliminary injunction, because he has "headaches." OK? He had "insomnia," "headaches," & "paranoia." Those are all weed-induced things. It's such a joke. So, we—through our good attorney, Tom Vidal—fought as hard as we could for the first two hearings. And the judge, being what it is (Judge Epstein in California) didn't give us all the victories right away, but we are entitled to fees for a portion of this, and we're going to get them. []
And, for the record, I guess almost most important than the fees is that this decision is immediately [ap]pealable if the appellate court goes in our favor. So we're going to be appealing immediately. And we'll be talking about that on Twitter at a granular level that you've come to expect from our group. But, remember, all these people talking about the Biden Crime syndicate—why haven't Morris & Hunter sued the New York Post? Why haven't they sued the Daily Mail? Why haven't they sued all of these outlets, right? And they haven't because we're the ones getting close to the bone. We've focused very, very hard on who the operators are. We've kept the spotlight on Morris, and he's pissed at us for it.
His attorney, a very portly—I'll show you him. And I brought exhibits because you got to see this guy. He looks like a gnome, OK? This is what we're dealing with here: Bryan Sullivan. This guy argued in open court—I mean just look at this figure. This guy—I mean, this is a joke. This guy argued in open court that we're not legitimate publishers. (You want to hand me that Report here real quick?) He argued that we're not a legitimate news organization. 644 pages; 179,000 words. Not one of the criminal violations that we have detailed has been disputed. We have a $1,000 bounty for anyone that can go through this [and find an error]— [it's] available for free, this is the printed copy—the free version is at This fatass, this absolute zit on the ass of America, argued that we weren't legitimate news publishers. This is disgusting.
And remember his [Sullivan's] law partner, Eric Early, who's running as a Republican for the California Senate seat, he [Sullivan] gave Eric Early money. The guy running for the Senate seat in California as a Republican—his firm is attacking us. So just remember that when this absolute asshat named Eric Early, whose buddies with this guy, he [Sullivan] gave [$660 x 2] to Eric Early's senatorial campaign. This is total uniparty slop. So, this fatass right here & this guy are law partners. He has a little island growing on his face. He ought to take those legal fees that Kevin Morris is paying him [and his firm] and get that removed; that thing is disgusting. And this guy needs to have liposuction, OK? This is a joke. There will be Bar complaints filed against each of these dumbasses.
This is a slow torture what they're doing. They're trying to bankrupt us for telling the truth. We've dispelled myths about Hunter Biden for years. We have no interest in putting out anything false about Hunter Biden. I have no actual malice towards Hunter Biden. You know what I have actual malice towards? Corrupt f'n people. Corruption. That's what our group is about—we are the oppo[sition] research firm for the American People. And we're a [501]c3. And unlike "pee tapes" in Moscow, and Fusion GPS slop paying Christopher Steele, our shit's actually true, OK? So the next time you see Eric Early, this guy, on Twitter—he just made a tweet in support of Jim Jordan—you ought to reply to him on Twitter and say, "Why the hell is your firm attacking the one group in America that has exposed the Biden crime syndicate in excruciating detail?" Because this isn't some Latham & Watkins [LLP] & Winston Strawn [LLP]. This isn't a large firm, OK? If you are in a 900 person law firm—like Dentons, for example—your fellow partner may be doing stupid cases that you have no knowledge of and you can't be held morally culpable for. But this is a small firm.
Look at what his firm said about us. Again, this is going to be the subject of a Bar complaint in California. This is illegal what they said. All of it is complete & utter lies. "Garrett Ziegler and his group, Marco Polo [] ... " First of all: They didn’t even sue us right … it's not MarcoPoloUSA. That's just our domain name. [These] [p]eople are stupid asses, OK? It's just Marco Polo. We've said this for years. "Garrett Ziegler [and] Marco Polo are dangerous, unapologetic, bigoted white supremacists, anti-women, anti-Semitic dangerous serial stalkers who are engaged in continuous, threatening harassment of Kevin Morris under the false veil of political activism."
First of all, to the dumbasses who would even think that one clause of that is correct: We're a [501]c3. We're not a [501]c4. Unlike the Center for Tech and Civic Life, we actually follow the damn law. We're not engaged in political activism. We don't break our [501]c3 status. That's what Abbe Lowell—and remember that disgusting rodent [Michael] Spitzer-Rubenstein with a caterpillar on his face? That's what those people do. They break the law. They're the political activists.
And if it seems like I have righteous indignation, I do. Because you know what's at the bottom left of that page, Eric Early's f'n name. You remember the fatass, Bryan Sullivan? We've already covered him. Disgusting human being. I don't know how anybody could procreate with that guy. Then you have Early on top of him. They're buddies. Sullivan, the guy who gives to Adam Schiff & Eric Swalwell—remember Fang Fang? He brought me up by name in May. Kevin Morris paid $6,600 for that, by the way, in May. "Swallowswell" said in a hearing that I threatened FBI agents' lives because I had the temerity to name them. I don't know what planet these douchebags are from, but feds in the United States work for us. We pay them. They do what we say; not the other way around. So when Morris sends "Swallowswell" $6,600 & fatass leftist Bryan Sullivan gives [$660 x 2] to his buddy, [his] named law partner Eric Early, you can write off whatever the hell Eric Early is saying, OK? His word & Sullivan's word is worth a warm pitcher of piss, OK? They're liars. They lie for a living. None of that is true. That is worthy of sanctions. First of all, look at their footnote—it's such a disgusting—"Telegram is a social media platform favored by right wing extremists." Telegram is founded by a Russian dissident who Putin doesn't even like. They're so stupid. I can handle criticism when it's fair. Make the insults higher brow. "Anti-women?" Morris is estranged from his own wife. There's only one of us in this scenario that's in a happy marriage, OK? I'm not anti-women. It's Morris! He's living alone. In fact, we don't we don't even think that Gaby, his estranged wife, has the courtesy to tell Morris when her boyfriends are coming around, OK? So there's nobody "anti-women" in this group except Morris.
So, remember, all of that is a complete lie. There's California Bar rules that prohibit these sort of ad hominem attacks completely unsupported by any evidence in a lawsuit. And we're not just coming for Morris—Bryan Sullivan will face Bar complaints, Zachary Hansen—this dumbass who shouldn't even be on the Complaint. He's like two years older than me & he's pathetic. There were so many typos in these Complaints. First of all, let's go up to the site that they say we run: is not ours. This is in the lawsuit. Our site is These guys have so little attention to detail that this went in the Order! They can't even get details right in the Order, let alone the original Complaint! Meaning this false information laundering has went through the Complaint, the Reply, the Preliminary Injunction Motion, and now, finally, the Order.
It's a disgrace. They misspelled Jon Cooper, who I wasn't pretending to be. This whole lawsuit [from] Morris about harassment—first of all, again, I said this before: He's a 60-year-old man crying to the Court. You know why he's crying? Because he got embarrassed; he got honey-potted by a fake person, and he offered money for false information about Hunter Biden. I didn't do that; I wasn't the honeypotter. I think it was a good job, but Morris is just mad because he got embarrassed because we're smarter than him. Well, in the United States, if somebody bests you, you don't just get to sue him. So we will be pursuing all costs, all fees. And that check from the Morris Morgerman Trust will be on the masthead of our website until the end of time. Just like, or its successor, will be online until the end of time. Joe Biden: I don't give a shit if he raids me personally & shuts down, with his gestapo, our nonprofit. Those repositories of data are going to be online forever. There's literally nothing he can do; he can kill me & there's nothing he can do to stop that.
A couple of other points I want to get across beyond just the fact that we won legal fees, with your help [on] is our legal defense fund. We need about another $100k to keep going. We'll get it. But we need your help to do it. Beyond that, the Preliminary Injunction [Motion from Morris] [wa]s denied. We'll be appealing the four causes of action that the [anti-]SLAPP [Order] didn't grant. We already got one, remember? All we needed was one anti-SLAPP cause of action & we're entitled to fees. And we're entitled to an anti-SLAPP—they call it a "SLAPPback" case in California where you sue the guy; remember, this is all lawfare. These aren't legitimate lawsuits, OK? This is all just civil bullshit, OK? There's no D.A. There's no [criminal] investigation of me. This is all just lawfare. When that happens in California & somebody is suing you because of your public speech about an issue of public importance, which even the liberal judge in California admits, when they do that you have the ability to sue them back for all of the hassle & complete bullshit that they put you through. And it'll be a beautiful Motion. All our Motions have been beautiful, quite frankly, because they've been picked through. Nothing that leaves our door is half-baked. We've kicked ass at everything. All they "have" is that we "hate" women, Blacks, and Jews. That's so ridiculous. First of all, of the triangle—or the sort of ladder of logical fallacies—ad hominem is at the very bottom, right? These are bottom feeder people. Again, we're not attacking Sullivan because he's disgusting & fat, right? That's easy to do. We're attacking Sullivan because he is saying untrue things. He's lying. [Eric] Early, with his faux support and that person growing on his chin—he's lying about us. They're lying. That's what they do. Saying that we're serial stalkers & all this absolute nonsense.
In a story in the Washington ComPost last month, David Brock—that vicious sodomite who was "dating," (if you want to call it that, two ends of a battery can't go together, but they were "dating,") James Alefantis. Remember that, Comet Ping Pong? Well, he [Brock] said that I shouldn't be 100 feet from a courtroom—remember, I was the witness for the mother of Hunter Biden's child. So that's another reason why Morris is [developing] an ulcer. They said, basically, [that] we aren't a "legit" publishing group & that we're not engaging in an issue of public importance. That's the gist of their statement. And, again, to even make that point—and David Brock was adding to this in the Washington [Com]Post piece—saying that we shouldn't be 100 feet from a courthouse or 100 feet from Congress. Because they know I've met with certain congressional people. A lot of them are pussies; some aren't. But the real thing—what should really happen—is David Brock shouldn't be 100 feet from an elementary school. This guy's an absolute predator, OK? He's a creep. He's [a] disgusting, morally flawed human being. He's a rat "f'er", OK? He's a political trickster. He's not interested in research. He's just throwing mud. He's like a monkey with its dung. He's just chucking feces everywhere. He's got nothing. That's who they're bringing out against us.
Remember, we got this guy [Bryan Sullivan] & David Brock coming up against us, and we're the only people being sued about this. And we don't have any institutional support. Nothing. No foundations. Nothing. All that we have built over the last 2+ years... Marco Polo was founded in July of 2021. The group that we've assembled, the righteous guys who don't care about ego, who just put the truth out—we have created repositories of the American first family that there's no precedent for. We've mapped out the entire drug trafficking operation, the entire hookers & pimps network, & more importantly, we've gone into the Business-Related crimes of the Biden family. [] [t]hat is why we're being sued, and, apart from all this shit in California, we have another lawsuit in federal court in the Central District of California. This was in the Superior Court [of Los Angeles] [and] immediately appealable to the Appellate Court in California. But that'll be going on—we have until [December] 18th to file our reply.
One last thing: It's the one year anniversary of the release of this dossier—Report on the Biden Laptop—459 violations of state & federal laws & regulations. It's never been "debunked." It's never been disputed. And when people want to denigrate us they never talk about our work. It's always [that] they don't like me, personally, which I don't care about. I want to talk about our work. Nothing has been assembled like this in U.S. history, OK? We came together because no institution on the right had the balls & the courage to put this out. And we did. And all of the—like Kevin Morris—there's all these 58-year-old jackasses like Jack Maxey smoking dope & they're, basically, the Al Bundys of our time. "Man, you remember when I..." They're sitting on their couch being Al Bundy wishing they did something back then & crying to the world about why they aren't famous or whatever. We actually do the freaking work, OK?
So everything we said we're going to do two years ago: we're going to put the dossier out there, we're going to say exactly why Joey is compromised—we've done that! And what have we gotten for it? Sued! Because that's the only thing—when this fails, when this lawfare fails, & it will fail, the next thing they're going to do is just put a raid on us. That's what they did to James O'Keefe with Ashley's diary. Remember the "probably not appropriate showers" with Joey? Remember that? You can read that at They just raided him [O'Keefe]. He's never been charged for a crime. They beat down his door with a battering ram. That's what's up next for us. Remember: he [Joe] is a tyrant. This is soft tyranny.
So, again, October 19, 2022: 1 year ago today this was released. Thank you for listening to the update. [] follow this page for legal updates going forward. Post comments, compliments, or criticisms below.
God bless you.
P.P.S. Marco Polo has established a legal defense fund to fight back against the egregious lawfare from Hunter, Kevin Morris, & Joe's other proxies, which you can find & support here:
This case is straightforward in terms of the law - Morris does not have any courses of action against you and MP et al. That the Biden name is being given uncalled for influence and consideration without actually stating it, permeates the case.
As a retired attorney, and also having served as the prosecutor for my county for a time, riles me no end.
THANK YOU and your team for taking on the Goliath bullies. They are losing, hence the frivolous lawsuits and abuse.