Son of U.S. pResident Sues Marco Polo
We have been subjected to egregious & expensive lawfare for publishing the truth.
Please watch the message below from our founder:
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Marco Polo, our nonprofit research group, released the Report on the Biden Laptop. The infamous device contains, at the very least, 459 violations of state & federal laws & regulations. Our motives & budget for writing the Report were clear, & thousands of Americans financed its production. The Report is simple, but dense: 640+ pages, 2,020 footnotes. It's broken up neatly into 7 sections with the biggest section—the most important section—being Business-Related Crimes. We believe it's the deepest digital colonoscopy ever performed on a sitting U.S. first family, & it's free online:
So, as a result of this Report (& our free repositories of the data from the abandoned device, namely, &, the American first family & their degenerate benefactors have waged a vicious lawfare campaign against us. The lawyers for the pResident's son have sent letters to at least 5 different government agencies demanding that we be criminally prosecuted for simply publishing the authentic data from the device. These disgusting demands were recently compounded by an egregiously over-broad subpoena, which was issued in [a] civil lawsuit in Delaware & more critically—& the reason for this update—is [that] 2 SLAPPs [Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation] have been filed against us in which Marco Polo & myself, Garrett Ziegler, are named as defendants.
The first, filed in L.A. County Superior Court, is the result of the bankroller of the U.S. first family, a very degenerate but wealthy lawyer named Kevin Morris. The case number for that is 23-SMCV-01418 in the L.A. County Superior Court.
The second, just filed yesterday and, again, the reason for the update—is [that] the son of the U.S. pResident, Hunter Biden, has filed a civil case against us in the Central District of California, 23-CV-07593, & it alleges ridiculous claims about us hacking his iCloud & other things that are so far from the truth I don't even know where to start. Winston & Strawn should be embarrassed of themselves—that they put their name on this. This is slop.
But I wanted to thank you, first of all, for the over two years of support. We've done exactly what we told you that we were going to do with your grass roots army. The reason why we've been able to do this—and the reason why we're being sued—is because we're effective! And we're effective because we're grass roots funded, & I just want to thank you so much for standing behind us in this lawfare. You can always get updates at
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Garrett, you show no weakness, just like Trump. America needs more men like you.
Adding to my monthly donation!
His suit is frivolous.
Idiot Kevin!