This heroic journalism stands up to Schiff, Clinton, Eric Holder, Barry Obama, CNN, CBS,

ABC, George Stuffing-AllofUs, Barbara Walters,

KJP, and the Rotten illegitimate Biden machine.

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Stay strong!! MY God bless you.

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thank you for everything you do. You are a hero.

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Perhaps it is best that MP left some of the most outrageous stuff out of the photo package. Hunter Biden on a cocaine binge in Vegas where is his being cared for by Russians. Hunter is entertaining a naked young blond and invites her to do a line or two from the huge pile of cocaine on the nightstand while Hunters toes are gaining carnal knowledge. Hunter's computer contained a log of internet traffic that documents he was uploading some of his sex tapes to various sites. The Feds had Bank SAR's (suspicious activity reports) noting large cash transactions including payments to known international sex traffickers who were promptly remitting his payments to foreign nations. Somehow nobody in the DOJ seems to be aware that transportation of women across state lines for the purpose of commercial sex is a FELONY with a 10 year Statute of Limitations. The FBI has now had the laptop for 4 years and DOJ is obviously not going to touch the case unless there is a housecleaning at DOJ and the White House.

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